Thursday, April 23, 2009


I never knew this day would come!!! I can't believe its here! NO more calling patients and wondering if they will show up! NO more sleepless nights wondering how I'm going to get it all done! NO more spending time worrying if people will show up for their appointments.

I cannot believe it!!!

I won't know what to do with myself now! It is going to be crazy!!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

mockboard anesthesia

Today we did mockboard anesthesia and it turned out pretty good! I felt more confident than I thought I would and it made the procedure go so much better because of the confidence I felt. I am worried about the written test though because I know I haven't studied enough yet and I need to spend a lot of time with that so I feel more confident! I will get there though!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The longest day.....

Today was definitely a long one!!! Its because I'm tired, I'm sure. I had a class 4 in the morning which was a really good experience! She was asian and i never believed the hype about their teeth, but I believe it now! Her calc was extremely tenacious. And her anatomy was difficult to clean because it all felt really rough. She was a sweet heart though!

I tried to make today my production day, but that didn't work out so well. I had two pts. in the afternoon though a 1a and a 1b which was a good thing. Im just exhausted after!!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lamo Dayo!

I am trying to stay positive about this whole finding a board patient thing! HOW CAN I BE SO INCREDIBLY UNLUCKY???? HOnestly this is insane. I had two more brand new patients scheduled today and neither one of them showed up. I instead was lucky enough to have a 1b patient this morning and afternoon. I am at my witts end!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

No BOARD pt.

I am bringing in new patients all the time and yet I am not finding a board pt. or a mockboard.

My first pt. this morning was pretty fun though! He just had a very good personality which made it fun to be around him and talk to him. I am so glad I was able to meet him because it made my morning fun!

Good times, but still looking for my golden ticket!!!!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The worst teeth I've ever seen, connected to a really cool patient!!!!

I have to write about an amazing pt. I had today. My original pt. didn't show up and so I found a pt. who was on call. He came to weber to ask about a dentist to get help with extractions in his mouth. He had been to a dentist previously who told him that he had to get all of his teeth extracted. We talked him into coming to get his teeth cleaned before his extractions. So I cleaned the 12 teeth he had left which were full of caries on all sides, and cleaned some teeth that had been broken off at the gum line and only had retained root tips. It took a long time to clean them and to try and figure out how to get the angulation right in order to reach where I needed to clean them properly. He had a significant amount of plaque and calc. which made it difficult to clean. He told me he used to smoke a pack a day for 30 years but just quit 2 months ago. He later asked me if I was LDS and said that he had been recently baptized, and that is why he quit smoking and drinking. So we talked about his conversion for a little while, and it ended up being an amazing experience, not only to get to know him, but to learn how to clean his teeth. Awesome day!!!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Baaaaaaaad Clinic day

So today was a piece of work!!! I had a patient scheduled at 10:00 to screen because it was the only time she could come in. So last night I called tonz of people to find a pt. for 8:00, but couldn't find one. So today I went on campus to see if I could find a 1B and at least get some quads done. People on campus are mean! I finally found someone, but had to offer to pay for his cleaning. So I thought he might have been a class 2, and so I took x-rays on him, otherwise i would have forgon the x-rays. Alas he was not a class 2 even though he had ample amounts of calculus to be a class2. So i spent $8. for x-rays.

Then my 10:00 patient ended up being a 1B patient which was a bummer. So the whole morning I got zero quads done!!! FRUSTRATING!!! But I thought hey chels, your afternoon patient is most likely a class 2 which you need, so all is good.

My afternoon pt. cancelled at the last minute!!! GREAT!!! So I had to mooch a pt. off of the midtown. BAD CHOICE chels!!!!

I had to offer to pay for this patient also, or else, no patient for me, and i felt desparate for quads!!! So my patient ended up being one of the worst patients I have ever had, and a 1B. So let me break this down for you; this patient was a 1B, who whined about everything I did, but refused anesthetic, and I paid $28 for her treatment, and I missed so many spots of calculus its shameful, because she whined too much when I scaled. REDICULOUS!!!!

It was a great day!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

So today I was able to get my mockboard pt. finished by completing 3 quads class3. Pretty freaken awesome if you ask me!!! I gave 6 injections, and that went better than it did for mockboards also!

My second pt. was just a 1B, but it was interesting because he used chewing tobacco. You wouldn't be able to tell by his breath at all, which I have never not been able to tell before. So I asked him where he put his chew, and he puts it in the lower front usually always. I looked for a lesion and sure enough, he had leukoplakia about 24mm x 24mm that looked fissured and irregular. It was a neat thing to see, because I havent seen it before, but it is sad for him. I talked to him about smoking cessation, and he didn't sound like he was ready to quit, so I suggested moving around the locations that he puts his chew, so that one area isn't recieving it all the time. He was a very nice man and seemed very appreciative of the advice. Overall it was a good day for new experiences.

Gottsta go!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Well it was slightly traumatic getting all of the kinks worked out for mockboards today! I made it though! I am sooooo happy that I was able to participate in this experience because I know how much it will benefit when it comes time for the real boards!
My pt. showed up, I got her scaled, and things went surprisingly well! I am so incredibly greatful to everyone that helped me so much today. It really does take a village! I learned a ton from this experience like putting your candidate number on the right side of the napkin, wrapping your pen/pencil separately, and lots more.

I am so glad I was able to participate and learn all that I did!

And special thanks to Kristen who is so incredibly nice and understanding. She boosted my confidence in a big way!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Ha Ha! I have no idea if that is how you say clinic in spanish!!! lol FINALLY!!!! Why is it that I always find a mockboard pt on the very last day possible, and the very last appointment of the day??? The only reason why i think this might be is because I need to have more faith. I just don't trust enough! It is going to work out, because it always does. I just need to trust that it will! I am really excited to work on my pt, for mockboards, I think it will be a very good experience!!!


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Yee Hah

Well nothing too fantastic happened today, but I got two panos taken and that is a good thing for sure!!! I am happy to get more of those done, so now I have 3 and only 2 more to go! Not too shabby. Still don't have a mock board pt. So I think a screening clinic is in my future!!! Yeah!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Okee Dokee

So today I was just happy to have my patients show up for the day. It made my day to just know that they would come.

I learned something interesting today that I hadn't realized before. I was having some difficulty telling the difference between some calc and resing fillings interproximally today. Prof. Alexander told me to run the explorer over the filling and then the tooth and back again until you can get a good idea of what each feels like. This will help to tell a little better on the tooth whether there is calc. or if it is just a overhang from a filling. It makes it difficult when the overhang sticks out just like calc, so its good to look at the x-rays but if you don't have them, then this is a good method to try!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

1st day back

Today was a sucky day today because my patients did not work out the way I wanted them to.  I ended up with 2 1B patients, and so it was somewhat disapointing.  I am trying to be optimistic about it because I know that I still need 1B's, but I am stressed about finding a mock board pt.  I did learn how to take the phosphore plate x-rays today which was really cool, and I took a pano which I greatly need, but that was about it for the day!