Tuesday, September 30, 2008


My first pt today was a class 2 returning pt. She was pretty much the most difficult pt I have had so far this semester. Her calculus was so tenatious, it was incredibly difficult to remove. My hand hurt so badly after working on her. It was all I could do to try and finish her up. My fulcrum finger is still numb after working on her today, and Im not sure what that is all about.

My next pt was a class 5 pt who I found out could only come in for one appointment, because they live in their RV and just travel around to everywhere. so whenever I find out I have to have them done in one day it makes me nervous. So I worked as fast as I could to get him done, and I did it. He was a great pt and I only missed one spot. I should have used him as my exam. lol
oh well.


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