Tuesday, September 23, 2008


So today I had a returning pt who I had to send home before due to a cold sore. So I worked really hard to get the probing etc done in time to scale him. He ended up being a class 2 pt in all 4 quads, so I declared him as an exam, figuring I would just get it done and over with (rip it off like a band-aid so to speak), it ended up being a very good decision. I worked really hard to watch my time and make sure I was staying within the limits. I went over by about 5 min. but I only missed 2 teeny weensy spots, so it was a good experience. My theory is that I would rather spend more time and miss less spots than the other way around.

My next pt didn't show up, so I looked to see a pt in the front lobby and got a pt who was 2 quads of a class 3 because she is missing teeth. So I ended up getting some PAs on her and just barely got to scaling and decided to wait till I could have more time.

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