Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Monday Clinic

Today in clinic I had another pt cancel on me the day before, so I had to bring in Hank to be my pt. I was going to take a pano on him along with consider using him as my other 1B exam pt. However, Claire had a pt comeing in who she thought would be a class 3 in 2 quads and class 4 in the other quads. She asked Chelsea Y if she wanted that pt, and she declined. I asked her about the patient and asked if I could help, so we ended up trading pt's. I ended up thinking of using him as a class 3 pt for 2 quads, but Angie said he could be a hard class 3 in all 4 quads.
I tried to see if I could get that pt to do a nutrition analysis, but I was also worried about getting him back in. He has a weird work schedule so I told him to call me, and if I can get him in on Wed I will. I think he is going to be very difficult though, so good luck to me.


1 comment:

The Pyper's! said...

I am glad that you at least found a pt.