Wednesday, February 27, 2008

class 3, class 5 patient

Today I had my class 3, class 5 pt come in today to get all scaled and cleaned. I used the thicker ultrasonic tip first, and then went around each tooth with the explorer and a scaler to check any rough spots on each tooth. It was very difficult to tell if I got everything I needed to, b/c the cementum feels so rough in many spots it was difficult to distinguish b/t the actual calc spots.

I feel pretty good about getting at least 2 quads of class 3 done, and feel that I need to just work a little faster in getting everything done.

Gottsta go,

1 comment:

The Pyper's! said...

So I finally found your blog. The link on the class website has been invalid so I finally googled you to find you blog! Yeah!!