Thursday, February 26, 2009

Baaaaaaaad Clinic day

So today was a piece of work!!! I had a patient scheduled at 10:00 to screen because it was the only time she could come in. So last night I called tonz of people to find a pt. for 8:00, but couldn't find one. So today I went on campus to see if I could find a 1B and at least get some quads done. People on campus are mean! I finally found someone, but had to offer to pay for his cleaning. So I thought he might have been a class 2, and so I took x-rays on him, otherwise i would have forgon the x-rays. Alas he was not a class 2 even though he had ample amounts of calculus to be a class2. So i spent $8. for x-rays.

Then my 10:00 patient ended up being a 1B patient which was a bummer. So the whole morning I got zero quads done!!! FRUSTRATING!!! But I thought hey chels, your afternoon patient is most likely a class 2 which you need, so all is good.

My afternoon pt. cancelled at the last minute!!! GREAT!!! So I had to mooch a pt. off of the midtown. BAD CHOICE chels!!!!

I had to offer to pay for this patient also, or else, no patient for me, and i felt desparate for quads!!! So my patient ended up being one of the worst patients I have ever had, and a 1B. So let me break this down for you; this patient was a 1B, who whined about everything I did, but refused anesthetic, and I paid $28 for her treatment, and I missed so many spots of calculus its shameful, because she whined too much when I scaled. REDICULOUS!!!!

It was a great day!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

So today I was able to get my mockboard pt. finished by completing 3 quads class3. Pretty freaken awesome if you ask me!!! I gave 6 injections, and that went better than it did for mockboards also!

My second pt. was just a 1B, but it was interesting because he used chewing tobacco. You wouldn't be able to tell by his breath at all, which I have never not been able to tell before. So I asked him where he put his chew, and he puts it in the lower front usually always. I looked for a lesion and sure enough, he had leukoplakia about 24mm x 24mm that looked fissured and irregular. It was a neat thing to see, because I havent seen it before, but it is sad for him. I talked to him about smoking cessation, and he didn't sound like he was ready to quit, so I suggested moving around the locations that he puts his chew, so that one area isn't recieving it all the time. He was a very nice man and seemed very appreciative of the advice. Overall it was a good day for new experiences.

Gottsta go!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Well it was slightly traumatic getting all of the kinks worked out for mockboards today! I made it though! I am sooooo happy that I was able to participate in this experience because I know how much it will benefit when it comes time for the real boards!
My pt. showed up, I got her scaled, and things went surprisingly well! I am so incredibly greatful to everyone that helped me so much today. It really does take a village! I learned a ton from this experience like putting your candidate number on the right side of the napkin, wrapping your pen/pencil separately, and lots more.

I am so glad I was able to participate and learn all that I did!

And special thanks to Kristen who is so incredibly nice and understanding. She boosted my confidence in a big way!!!