Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Clinic went fairly well today I think. In the morning I saw a pt who I was able to see last semester, and he is really nice. He was 1quad class3 and 3 quads class2. The hardest part about that pt is trying to get on the root surfaces to instrument. He was a very good experience because I was able to do anesthesia and place arrestin. I was very happy to get more quads done also.

My next pt in the afternoon was a class 5 who is an excelent pt. She works really hard to keep her teeth clean. She asked about power toothbrushes and what is the best one to get. I was glad that I know at least a little about this subject and recommended the sonicare toothbrush. I think she is going to very much like it.

Overall today was a very good day and I felt somewhat productive which is a good feeling to have!!!

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